A summer symposium in Toblach, June 10-12, 2024
A lecture based on my paper co-authored with Andrea Pavoni
Happy to be included witha short feature in Coabitare l’isola. Spazio pubblico e cura dei luoghi, Edited by Giorgio Azzoni and Pasquale Campanella (Mimesis, 2022).
Co-authored with Andrea Pavoni
Published in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa / Ethnography and Qualitative Research
S.I. Erving Goffman’s first 100 Years edited by Pier Paolo Giglioli– https://www.rivisteweb.it/issn/1973-3194
Happy to join this upcoming conference at Paris-Nanterre – January 13-14, 2022
+ info | https://ireph.parisnanterre.fr/
A Keynote Address at the Urban Creativity Conference, Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, Lund, Sweden.
May 17, 2019, 3pm
This talk interrogates the nature of the urban public domain by specifically attending the intensities and the phases it generates. A comprehensive view on the phenomenon of publicness, it is suggested, is required to attend its ecological facet – more precisely, as it will be seen, its multi-layered ecology – but also to explain its intrinsic vital qualities. The latter hints to the phenomenon of intensity. After reviewing the main features of publicness (“what is specifically public in public space?”), a broader picture of the public domain can be sketched that includes the processes of mediation. But whereas mediation suggests a ‘continuist’ take, a discontinuities can likewise be detected in the public domain. Coining from physics, the latter could as well be called ‘phase transitions’. How are phase transitions correlated to the intensive moments of publicness? This is the pivotal question for discussion.
Urban Animals—Domestic, Stray, and Wild
Notes from a Bear Repopulation Project in the Alps
by Andrea Mubi Brighenti & Andrea Pavoni
Finally OUT in Society & Animals
Abstract. This piece explores ‘domesticity’ as a social territory defined by the relationship it entertains with the conceptual and material space of ‘the wild’. The leading research question can be framed as follows: do these two spaces stand in opposition to each other, or are more subtle relations of co-implication at play? As we enquiry into the domestic and the wild, a richer conceptual map of notions is drawn, which also includes the public, the common, the civilised and the barbarian. The case study that illustrates this dense intermingling of categories is offered by the case of Daniza, a wild brown bear introduced in the Brenta Natural Park on the Italian Alps in the 2000s, who repeatedly came into unexpected, accidental contacts with humans. Declared a ‘dangerous animal’, Daniza was controversially killed by public authorities in 2014, officially in an attempt to capture her with anaesthetising bullets, but in a way that still leaves doubts about the degree of voluntariness of the killing. The piece argues that the domestic and the wild constitute two semiotic-material domains constantly stretching into each other without any stable or even clear boundary line, and elaborates a series of corollaries for studying animals in urban contexts.
Keywords: Domesticity; Domestication; Wildness; Bears; Urban Animals; Territorial Governance
Introduction – Domesticity as Urban Prolongation
Cities Contested. Urban Politics, Heritage, and Social Movements in Italy and West Germany in the 1970s
Available here: https://aro-isig.fbk.eu/issues/2018/2/cities-contested-andrea-brighenti
published in “No Respect” Exhibition Catalogue. Curated by Marilena V. Karra. Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, 2014.
Book available at : http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781472410016
Fulltext also here
A couple of reviews published in : Urban Research & Practice and IJURR
I’m joining the konfFRONTIERt Symposium organized by Fabiola Naldi and Claudio Musso in Bologna next week. It’s all about street art, graffiti, urban visibilities, and the governance of public places.
Here is the programme | http://frontier.bo.it/programma/
I’ve been invited at a roundtable at Les Rencontres d’Averroès (Marseille), titled “Entre renaissance citoyenne et transparence politique. Révolution numérique ou contrôle des libertés ?” (19th Edition, La cité en danger? Dictature, transparence e démocratie)
The debate has also been recently broadcasted on the French National Radio, Franceculture :
Posted also on YouTube:
a book by Mattias Kärrholm