« … on se retrouve de plus en plus spinozistes … »
Une conférence de Deleuze en mai 1977
« … on se retrouve de plus en plus spinozistes … »
Une conférence de Deleuze en mai 1977
Draft available upon request.
April 20-22, 2022 – online
+ info | https://hiw.kuleuven.be/hua/events/conferences-workshops/mimetic-turn/index.html
my talk | : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dXJ_Lj9Umg
On the multi-temporality of territorial production and the gift from John Soane
Published in Time & Society
Territoriality has primarily been seen as a spatial rather than temporal phenomenon. In this paper, we want to investigate how time functions in territorialising processes. In particular, we are attracted by the multi-temporality that is co-present in each process of territorialisation (i.e. processes in which time and space are used as means of measure, control, and expression). The article is divided into two main parts. In the first part we draw inspiration from Gilles Deleuze’s book Logic of Sense, as well as from authors such as Simmel, Whitehead, Benjamin and Jesi, in order to articulate three different types of the present (Aion, Kronos and Chronos). In the second part we move to a short case study of the collector John Soane and the establishment of his house-museum. The case is used to exemplify how these three presents can be used to discuss and temporal aspects of territorialisation in general, and the production of a specific sort of territory – the house-museum as a new building type – in particular.
Territorial Production; Temporality of the Present; Aion, Kronos, Chronos; Collectionism; House-museum
With Mariasole Ariot, I’m organising an independent reading seminar of Mille Plateaux / A Thousand Plateaus by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.