A proposal for knitting together semiophysics and biosemiotics
Draft available upon request.
Draft available upon request.
On social formation and territorial production
NOW published in Social Science Information – http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0539018418763560
Abstract. This piece explores the issues of morphogenesis and metamorphosis in socio-spatial formations and social assemblages. The specific key provided here to apprehend the issue of ‘form’ is what we propose to call the ‘animistic moment’ in form-taking processes. We believe that a conceptualisation of animistic moments might help us to better understand, not simply the coming about, but the specific yet elusive power forms are endowed with. The general social-theoretical horizon for the essay is an approach to social collectives as forms of territorialisation and territorial stabilisation. An inquiry into the genesis and the transformation of forms through animistic moments, we suggest, might also be employed in the study of processes of social territorialisation at large.
Keywords: social theory; genesis of forms; formative processes; individuals and social aggregates; socio-spatial formations; animistic moments;
Introduction 1. The mystery of appearances 2. Metamorphosis and investments into form 3. Form-taking and the environment 4. The formation of individual collectives 5. Animistic moments and the revelations of form 6. Territorial production through animation Conclusions
Now Published in Frontiers in Sociology | Sociological Theory
Abstract. In the context of a social-theoretical take on the link between social life and visibility, this paper invites to shift the focus from visibility phenomena to “the visible”. A theory of visibility, it is submitted, must be constructed as a theory of the medium. In opposition to visibility as a set of formal relations, what the visible brings to the fore is the existence of a mid-term, a connective tissue. Also, if a theory is a prelude to a science, then a theory is needed that makes possible to measure the visible in itself. The development of an “intrinsic” theory of the visible, one capable of generating its own variables and constants, along with the conceptual space for their articulation, is retrieved through the joint contributions of surface theories (Simmel, Goffman, Portmann) and intensity theories (Deleuze, Thom). The piece presents a set of notions that could be of use to analyze the fiber of the visible and the trajectories occurring in the visible, in view of laying out a series of laws of the visible.
Available at : https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsoc.2017.00017/full
& a Related Lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtK0nfA5r50&t=1s
A Lecture delivered at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Vortrag.
+ info | https://www.aau.at/event/from-visibility-to-the-visible-a-social-theoretical-exploration/
Full video here (a bit boring, though) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtK0nfA5r50&t=1s