Category Archives: urban
Breakfast @ The Coffee Cup
A New Index for Public Space
(with Tali Hatuka)
Out in April 2025 – Now announced at :
With three generous endorsements from:
“This erudite and provocative book melds social and political theory with design thinking to produce a new set of terms to understand both the nature and the phenomenology of publicness. Inspired by the challenges of physical distancing that accompanied the global pandemic, the authors show the durability of the public realm while offering new ways to interpret and produce a range of disordered, agonistic, and spatially-situated interactions that will continue to make public spaces the lifeblood of cities.”
Diane E. Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism, Harvard Graduate School of Design
“How can we talk about public space and make sense of its continuous mutations in contemporary cities? As the authors suggest, we need to explore patterns of experience and affect along with efforts to conceptualize sociospatial crises. This book is an inventive and highly successful experiment in analyzing publicness that offers to city dwellers and planners alike an index of terms to be used in thinking about city life as a multifarious set of realities and possibilities.”
Stavros Stavrides, Professor of Architectural Design and Theory, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
“Triggered by the contemporary challenges and appreciation of the post-pandemic future of urban space the authors continue the quest to understand and assess public space. Through a new index they introduce us to a series of fresh and inspiring methods and prompts that traverse disciplinary boundaries and help explore the experiential and phenomenological dimensions of public space. The book is a welcome addition that introduces researchers, teachers, and students in the built environment and social science disciplines to innovative ways of examining the future of public space and eventually to show new ways to “read” the city.”
Vikas Mehta, Fruth/Gemini Chair, Ohio Eminent Scholar of Urban/Environmental Design, and Professor of Urban Design, University of Cincinnati
Station to Station – lo Squaderno 69 – out now
Co-edited with Alberto Brodesco & Carlo Brentari
Chek it out at :
La vita delle folle: ieri e oggi
A seminar with Sabina Andron
Seeing in Verticality: From ‘Vertical Gaze’ to ‘Figuring Out’ (with Andrea Pavoni)
Now out in Gary Bratchford, Dennis Zuev (Eds) Vision and Verticality. A Multidisciplinary Approach. Berlin: Springer. ISBN: 9783031398834.
Public Space and the Study of Urban Territories
An online seminar to be given on Thursday 07 December 2023 Time: 12:30-13:30 (UTC+00:00 – Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.)
In this lecture, Professor Brighenti seeks to introduce territoriology as a research approach and a sensitivity that can be applied to the study of public space. He explores the intersection between social theory, ethnography, human geography and design as helpful to study territorial productions in the making. Each territory is shaped by imaginational and figurational forces of social life as they get incorporated into a set of materials. Starting from this assumption, he would like to illustrate a few cases and possible applications in the field of urban studies.
To get the Zoom link, pls contact ARCHI Research <>
Goffman Back in Town – Lecture
A lecture based on my paper co-authored with Andrea Pavoni
Territoriology and the study of public place – a short intro (w/ Mattias)
Transizioni Territori 7
Tempi e percezioni delle trasformazioni urbane
Glad to guest-feat with an interview in Emanuela Schir’s new book:
Paesaggi di margine. Strategie progettuali per leggere e trasformare il paeaggio
A Walk in Naples
With many thanks to Cristina for touring me around.
Visibilità e Governanza
A walk in Düsseldorf
My Review of Dominik Bartmanski’s «Matters of Revolution» (2022)
Tesserae Dialogues – Tuesday 20 September, 9pm
Happy to join a Tesserae Dialogues online, with Stavros, Laura & Lorenzo:
Register free at
Les aventures du graffiti dans les villes – Commentaire
A discussion of Julie Vaslin’s book Gouverner les graffitis (2021). Published in metropolitiques:
That side of the city – New Playlist !
Goffman back in town. New relations in public
Co-authored with Andrea Pavoni
Published in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa / Ethnography and Qualitative Research
S.I. Erving Goffman’s first 100 Years edited by Pier Paolo Giglioli–
Territories, Environments, Politics: Explorations in Territoriology
Our new Edited Collection now announced :
Territories, Environments, Politics
Explorations in Territoriology
La vitesse au pouvoir – Cahiers Paul Virilio
Happy to be included in Dromologie 01, a new journal of Virilio studies.
+info |
my hosted piece in pdf | Brighenti 2021 la vitesse au pouvoir
A seminar on “The Face and the City”
Friday February 26, 2021, h.9-11
A seminar given in the series “Chronotopes of the Face”
Full Programme here: Cronotopi_del_volto_FACETS_UNiTO