A World of Pregnances. Researching the Visible


A keynote speech to be given at Jahrestagung DigiKomm22, Düsseldorf, 10-11 Nov 2022

In this short talk, I briefly introduce what I regard as the major social-theoretical challenges today in the study of inter-visibility relations, as specifically applicable to the digital domain. In a nutshell, my argument is that, besides the architectures and infrastructures of visibility, we also need to take into account what I call the world of pregnances, that is, the intensive states associated with the visible. If we follow this avenue, a few fault-lines in our categorical apparatus need to be rearranged.

+ info : https://in-visibility.net/digikomm22/

Event beautifully hosted at Haus der Universität, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf : https://www.sozwiss.hhu.de/institut/abteilungen/kommunikations-und-medienwissenschaft/beispielseite